Jim Patterson; MD by trade, but a lifelong chemistry buff.
I have always had a darkroom and I prefer analog photography to digital.
Bachelor of Science in PreMedicine with a major in chemistry
MD with Honors, Tulane. Honors project was a bedside test for blood sugar (chemistry!)
Courses in Alternative Photography at Penland School of Craft, Penland, NC, in Vandyke, Gum Bichromate, Cyanotype, Wet Collodion negatives, Albumen Prints, and Bromoil with David Lewis, Christina Z Anderson, Dan Estabrook, and Alyssa Salomon.
Course with Thomas McCartney in Platinum and Palladium at Palm Beach Photographic Centre, West Palm Beach, FL.
Book reviewer of “Cyanotype “ by Christina Z Anderson
Book reviewer of “Chrysotype “ by Leanne McPhee
Contributor to “Jill Enfield’s Guide to Photographic Alternative Processes ....” 2nd Edition
Alt Photo processes I have experimented with: Cuprotype, Cobaltotype, Cyanotype, Bromoil, Cerium Aniline Black, Tintype, Ambrotype, Albumen, Ferric Carbon, Carbon, Polyferric Pigment Prints, Vandyke, Ozotype, Chiba Carbon, Gum Bichromate, Platinotype, Palladiotype, Ziatype, Gumoil. I am not a master of any particular one of these; I just love the chemistry involved.